Monday, October 26, 2009

Egg McMama

That's right. You can have them at home with half the fat, grease and for less money and they are great for breakfasts on the go or just a quick breakfast at home.

6 English Muffins (I like whole wheat because it adds another "health dimension" to the mix)
6 eggs
6 cheese slices
6 slices of ham (you can also use bacon but you would probably want two slices per sandwich then or you can use 6 sausage rounds)

Fry the egg, breaking the yolk. Assemble on bottom half of muffin egg, cheese and choice of meat. Top with remaining half of muffin.

I, again, individually wrap these in wax paper after they have cooled and store them in the freezer. Take them out as needed, even the night before so they are really ready for microwaving. Throw them in the microwave until heated through and the kids (or you) are good to go with a quick, warm breakfast that is a bit different from cereal and a lot easier to take in the van with you.

I make several at a time when I am making them and it takes no time at all to add another 6 sandwiches onto the ones you are all ready making.

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